Had a great Christmas this year!
On the 24th, Noel and Lydia came up. Before they arrived, Teresa and I exchanged xmas eve gifts (she got surround sound for me, I got bassinet for Luna for her)! I shoveled and plowed driveway to prepare for the arrival of Noel and Lydia, who arrived with plenty of time left for us all to enjoy a really nice evening of chats and food, and movies (Lethal Weapon 2 and Die Hard), before bed.
On Christmas Day, we all headed to Joans in the morning, after de-icing extremely slick driveway. Brought a ton of food prep stuff and all our presents over there. Did presents first, and had a really nice exchange, and then lunch that T worked super hard to prepare. While I followed my inclination to corral conversation away from politics a couple of times, everything was very positive otherwise. I'm so happy we can all get together.