With her car in the shop longer than expected, I drove down and picked T up to get ready for the holiday on the 23rd. On the 24th, Noel joined us in CT, and Joan also came over, and we all watched the movie Amadeus in the afternoon. After I drove my mother home, I returned to a beautiful Christmas Eve dinner with Teresa and her father (Tofurky and the works, thanks to Teresa!).
Christmas itself was at Joan's, this year, T supporting my intention to continue providing my mother her traditions at home. Watching Joan and Noel get to know each other was a very nice experience, and they got along famously, thanks in large part to Noel's friendly inquisitiveness, and some shared career background in early computing, among other commonalities.
Presents were laid out when we arrived, and then we opened gifts (including a fun tardigrade necklace I'd gotten T), and had a wonderful Puerto Rican inspired lunch that Teresa prepared, complete with empanadas and the sweet alcoholic drink, coquito. All was a hit!
After lunch, and before Noel took Teresa back down to NY for more Lopez family plans, we immortalized our event with a super cute group portrait, thanks to the phone camera timer, and a few tries.