This Fall, Teresa and I further decorated the house together, creating a very carefully planned "wall of us" in the front entrance to our home :)
Around Halloween, I had my first show with Condition Zero, my metal band, and wore my bear suit to perform (a warm choice). The show provided further social connection between myself and my long-time friends and T's Butterfly folks, as did a tournament-style poker night we threw in our kitchen for a mix of our 8 friends. In preparation for this poker night, I taught the basics of Texas Hold 'Em to Teres -- I mean Luna.
Other non-pictured events from the Fall:
T injured her thumb
I got laser eye surgery on both eyes
Rob visited us in CT
I canceled my Atlanta Pedro Sauer camp trip last minute
T's friend, Jen visited us in CT
I got T a cooking class for her bday, and we went on 11/1 [Where are pics?]
We got new bidets, and video chatted upstairs/downstairs to christen them
T rushed down to NY when Lydia re-injured her knee in the shower
📺 Squid Game
Veegsgiving at K&W's
T rehab-rolling with a tennis ball, and prepping hard for blue belt test end of Dec
T getting her 4th stripe on 11/20! <<<
Thanksgiving with Lydia and Joan at our home in CT
📺 Too Hot To Handle
Booster shots together ❤️
Had to cancel trip to Savannah for James' and Hannah's wedding due to flight cancelation
T visited Julia in SD
📺 New Matrix movie